Become a Member

To become a member, just stop in during our open hours to find out how the space works and get signed up!

Memberships give you access to the space and tools, and to friendly and helpful members eager to share what they know. Memberships also include members’ discounts on many of our classes and workshops.  Most tools require that members complete safety training (checkout classes) in order to use them.  These checkout classes are free.  Checkouts are scheduled as needed. If you have a particular tool you are interested in being checked out on before joining, please create a topic on to inquire about scheduling a checkout.

Open Hours Memberships

$50 / month

All members start with Open Hours Memberships. Open Hours Memberships include access to the all of the resources at LMN during our open hours.

Full Access Membership

$150 / month

Full Access Membership includes 24/7 access to the makerspace.

Volunteer Memberships

Volunteers are the glue that holds our makerspace together.  Volunteers can accrue hours towards the purchase of a Volunteer Membership.  For more information about volunteering at Lansing Makers Network, check out the Volunteer Opportunities page.

CADL Memberships

The Capital Area District Library’s Library of things also has passes available for checkout. The pass will behave just like a normal membership. It grants open hours memberships, and still requires you complete member orientation and checkouts.